Monday 30 May 2011

Key Social Marketing Trends from the World Social Marketing Conference

Key Scial Marketing Findings f
Interactions Stand at WSMC
Just over a month go, Interactions took part in  the 2 day World Social  Marketing Conference. Held in Citywest Hotel, it was attended  by more than 500 international delegates working in social marketing, behavioural change, strategic communications, community engagement and policy development. Even the Dalai Lama was spotted milling about in the hotel foyer on the last day - adding to the feeling of positivity & goodwill already in abundance. 

For Interactions, as leading market research and behaviour change experts here in Ireland & Europe, it was a great opportunity to hear and share knowledge with other leading international thinkers and practitioners and adapt it to our work. Between giving 3 presentations, chatting to delegates at our stand and attending more than 20 other presentations, it was a whirlwind of knowledge transfer. 

Presentations & Workshops given by Interactions included: 
Get It Right 1st Time: Behaviour Change Communications: EU's Sustainable Transport CIVITAS MIMOSA - Managing Director, Eileen O'Connell
Market Research Using Personal Construct Psychology Theory - Director John Porter
Branding Workshop on Sustainable Transport - The Interactions Team  
 Summary of Key Points:
To help keep you up to date on the latest international findings on
To help you keep up to date on the latest international trends on behaviour change & social marketing, we've compiled for you a quick summary from the event:
  • The new UK government adopts an Inside-Out Approach to Behaviour Change - Starting with Front Line Assets Staff & Policy. The cash strapped UK government aims to maximise social marketing effectiveness by integrating it first within their organisation via policy and staff rather than purely as an add-on communication strategy at the end. They are in the process of formulating staff social market research, communications guidelines and communications training to harness the ambassador role of policy and staff (nurses, doctors, bus drivers) to effect behavioural change on its target audience.
  • Go Beyond Differences & Share Knowledge with groups to leverage power & open doors.
  • Engage & Empower Communities, giving them the skills to help themselves for the long-term.
  • Social Marketing Partnership is now seen as the new framework to replace Sponsorship, allowing for all parties to reap better results from a delineated and agreed set of shared and non-shared objectives that resonates with target audience. Intermediate bodies are to play a greater role in brokering and evaluating agreements to ensure longevity of relationship. 
  • Ethical Codes specific for each communication campaign are increasingly required by companies to cope with the unexpected and inevitable crisis management scenarios that occur when carrying out communications, most notably when it comes to social media.
  • Need to always think 3 dimensionally when it comes to target audiences.
  • Make Friends in Unusual Places.
  • Information Technology most notably the Internet has the largest and most positive impact on the following groups: low income, uneducated and women.

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